Sarà infatti del 13 Luglio, in piazza del popolo alle ore 21.30, la partecipazione della Municipale Balcanica al Festival Altrisuoni2007 che si terrà ad Offida(AP).
Musiche che suonano come un mix tra le proprie radici pugliesi ed i ritmi tradizionali dell'Est Europa, sono la base delle composizioni originali e delle riproposizioni del gruppo e sono lo sfondo di una vera e propria esperienza culturale stimolo alla conoscenza delle singole origini e di quelle culture che ci circondano e con cui è inevitabile mescolarsi e contaminarsi. Un racconto musicale ed una voglia di crescere che si incarnano nello spirito dei 10 ragazzi che lasciandosi trasportare dalla loro musica convergono ogni loro esperienza e ogni loro sguardo sul mondo, affidandolo al pubblico che assiste.
Nico Andriani - Ufficio Stampa
Next Gigs - Prossimi appuntamenti:
27 Luglio - IT Andria(Ba) - Castel Del Monte
29 Luglio - IT Andria(Ba) - Festival Suoni Dal Mediterraneo con Fry Moneti(MCR)
03 Agosto - IT Villa Castelli (Br) Municipale Balcanica - Folkabbestia - Risonanze folk
04 Agosto - IT Arezzo
15 Agosto - IT Modena
Last reviews - Ultima recensioni:
"If you have read my other reviews of klezmer and brass cd's, you might have noticed that it's not easy to record a cd in this style that gets above the average. This Municipale Balcanica band from Italy is one of the few that goes much further than the standard middle of the road brass music. The band was formed in 2003 and they describe themselves as a band that collects the sounds from the east, the music of happiness and sorrow and melt them with the harmonies of their homeland. This Foua (Macedonian for thanks) is, and again I quote, a fairytale and a cry. And somehow that is exactly what it is. The cd is fascinating and sounds like a magical story told in music and words. It is a mixture of hardcore brass music with both emotional and happy twists. I love Dio E zingaro which starts with a women telling a story which ends in a chaotic mixture of brass and screaming. From the first song Arclecchino the band surprises me with weird twists, brilliant arrangements and most of all, energetic and beating brass music. It has female vocals in Bulgarian style, down to earth male vocals, swinging French melodies and intense Hebrew songs. Hebrew song? Yes, this band did have the courage to record Hava nagila in such a way that it gets high above all the thousands of other versions I heard during the past 35 years. Foua is a must have cd for all these people who are into brass and like chaotic, inventive and powerful music. Highly recommended!"( 05/2007 FolkWorld)
"Uma orquestra de 11 loucos varridos com a única e exclusiva missão de nos fazer divertir até não podermos mais. A música dos Municipale Balcanica dá vontade de saltar para cima das mesas e começar a dançar. Originários da localidade mediterrânica de Puglia, no Sul da da Itália, os elementos deste conjunto efectuam uma síntese coerente de sons característicos da Europa do Leste (música cigana e judaica – Klezmer e iìddiche -, principalmente) com a tradição popular italiana. A mistura final é explosiva e bem animada." ( 07/2007
"With a strong Balkanic sound, the Italian band Municipale Balcanica is made up of 10 talented musicians (along with frequent guests) who each bring their own unique experiences and traditions to their music. Their high-energy performances are legendary and the band tours extensively. "Foua" is the title track from their album and it will give you an idea of the joy and beautiful music created from a combination of passion and tradition." (BeatPick - UK)
"They are particularly at home in Romania and in the bordering regions of the former Republic of Yugoslavia.With the films of the director Emir Kusturica, brass bands like the Kocani Orkestar or Fanfare Ciociarlia became fashionable and trendy. And the members of Municipale Balcanica race through their musical scores at a similarity neck-breaking and breath-taking pace as the musicians in these bands.However Municipale Balcanica comes from the other side of the Adriatic or, to be more exact, from Puglia in southern Italy. Following some very successful performances at home, orchestra came to Germany for the first time to Stuttgart in summer of 2005 and further performances followed. And everywere they go, their audiences are filled with pure delight and sheer exuberance, and perhaps for the very reason of wood and brass instrumentalists are capable of arousing so infinitely much mure pleasure and enthusiasm than is usually the case here in Germany with its very traditional brass music. German audiences are never presented with such furious fireworks of weird rythms and mixed harmonies as there - in the Balkans or, well, in Italy too." (10/03/2007 - Jazz Ahead – Germany)
"Municipale Balcanica are an off-the-wall Southern Italian Klezmer band. If you like klezmer then you are sure to like them. Hava Nagila is a traditional Jewish wedding song and you might just have heard it before...."(CCHITS)
"They mix Balkan, klezmer, and Italian styles and come up with a fairly distinctive sound (at least, I've never heard anything quite like it). Their first album, Fòua, has a nice recording of Hava Nagila."(Teruah-JewishMusic Usa)
"Hot rhytms from the Balkans mixed in...Italy with Gipsy, Mediteranean and Klezmer themes in the most surprising and fresh way by a band of 14 energetic musicians lead by "Il Maestro" Livio Minafra. Goran Bregovic fans will like it! (Jazz World Quest - Usa)
Italian band Municipale Balcanica draws its inspiration from Eastern European Gypsy and Klezmer music. Their sound is unconventional, zany at times. The group combines clarinet and brass with a powerful rhythm section and electric instruments. (World Music central - Usa)
"..proprio la lucida pazzia ha spinto la Municipale Balcanica verso orizzonti così longevi da apparire nuovi, alla riscoperta di tradizioni e costumi che il tempo sembrava aver sopito, ma che fanno parte del dna intrinseco della nostra cultura di cittadini del mondo. Fòua è quindi un ringraziamento, come si deduce anche dalle note di copertina, che l'ensemble vuol volgere ai Balcani ma soprattutto alla musica, vero trait d'union tra popoli e culture, anche distanti tra loro, che in fondo non sono così diversi."(30/03/2007 - Alberto Francavilla - Jazzitalia)
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