giovedì, maggio 24, 2012

Salvatore ALBANO, Giovanni MADARO E Luigino SERGIO: tre sindaci al Corso di Formazione "Politica? Perché no!"

Via Marzano, 118
73010 - Porto Cesareo (LE)
Tel. 349.1045425 - 333.3571405    Fax. 0833.560008    Mail:
Sono lieto di invitarti alla X ed ultima lezione del Corso di Formazione politico-amministrativa "Politica? Perchè no!" che si terrà  lunedì 28 maggio, a partire dalle ore 18.30



Dott. Salvatore ALBANO (Sindaco di Porto Cesareo e Presidente dell'Unione dei Comuni UNION3)



Prof. Luigino SERGIO (Sindaco di Martignano e Presidente dell'Unione dei Comuni della Grecìa Salentina)



Dott. Giovanni MADARO (Sindaco di Arnesano)




Colgo l'occasione  per chiederti di darne diffusione attraverso i canali di comunicazione da te ultilizzati.

Allego comunicato.
Grazie per la collaborazione,

Riteniamo fare cosa gradita informandovi delle nostre attività formative. Se non siete interessati a ricevere le nostre news inviate una mail a questo indirizzo scrivendo all'oggetto "CANCELLAMI".
Se avete già ricevuto questa mail ne vogliate scusare l'invio.

lunedì, maggio 21, 2012

Proroga Scadenza Bombetta d'Oro 2012

In considerazione delle tante richieste ricevute, è stata decisa una proroga dei termini di iscrizione al Festival.

Pertanto la nuova scadenza per partecipare alla Bombetta d'Oro 2012 è il 4 Giugno.

In allegato il Bando di concorso e il modulo di iscrizione.



L'Associazione teatrale "la BANDA degli onesti" organizza la 10^ Edizione del Festival Nazionale del Teatro Comico per l'assegnazione del premio "Bombetta d'Oro".

Gli spettacoli avranno luogo ogni domenica e giovedì, a partire dal 12 luglio e fino al 2 agosto alle ore 21,15 presso l'Anfiteatro della Scuola "San Giovanni Bosco" di Altamura, che può vantare una capienza di circa 600 posti a sedere.

Saranno ammesse alla fase finale 5 compagnie teatrali, selezionate tra tutte le domande pervenute, che si daranno battaglia per vincere il Premio della giuria di € 1.000,00 e il Premio del pubblico "Oreste Lionello" di € 300,00.

L'iniziativa è promossa dalla Regione Puglia, dal Comune di Altamura e dalla Fita, con la direzione artistica dell'Arch. Silvano Picerno (regista e attore).

Maggiori INFO:  e su Facebook (La banda degli onesti e Bombetta d'oro).




La BANDA degli onesti

Sede: Via Filangieri, 40/B - 70022 Altamura (BA)

Tel. 329 6222056 – Fax 080 3143905 -


giovedì, maggio 17, 2012

Solidarietà all'ing. Dino BASILE

Esprimo come cittadino di Porto Cesareo il più sentito sentimento di solidarietà all'ing. Dino BASILE, alla sua famiglia ed ai suoi collaboratori, per quanto accaduto la scorsa notte. Condanno a nome della FONDAZIONE CULTURALE "IDENTITÀ E FUTURO" ogni atto intimidatorio che, come questo, non riuscirà a minare l'equilibrio di una comunità che sa ritrovarsi unita e compatta nell'affrontare e superare momenti difficili.




Prof. Cosimo Damiano ARNESANO

(Presidente Fondazione Culturale "Identità e Futuro")

mercoledì, maggio 16, 2012

Discover a Spectacular Bottle Sent to your House

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Orlando. Following the guide of chance, the paladin found himself at the close of day in a forest, and stopped at the foot of a mountain. Surprised to discern a light which came from a cleft in the rock, he approached, guided by the ray, and discovered a narrow passage in the mountain-side, which led into a deep grotto. Orlando fastened his horse, and then, putting aside the bushes that resisted his passage, stepped down from rock to rock till he reached a sort of cavern. Entering it, he perceived a lady, young and handsome, as well as he could discover through the signs of distress which agitated her countenance. Her only companion was an old woman, who seemed to be regarded by her young partner with terror and indignation. The courteous paladin saluted the women respectfully, and begged to know by whose barbarity they had been subjected to such imprisonment.
of horses, and the menacing voices of armed men. Soon he perceived Medoro, on foot, with the cavaliers surrounding him. Zerbino, their commander, bade them seize him. The unhappy Medoro turned now this way, now that, trying to conceal himself behind an oak or a rock, still bearing the body, which he would by no means leave. Cloridan not knowing how to help him, but resolved to perish with him, if he must perish, takes an arrow, fits it to his bow, discharges it, and pierces the breast of a Christian knight, who falls helpless from his horse. The others look this way and that, to discover whence the fatal bolt was sped. One, while demanding of his comrades in what direction the arrow came, received a second in his throat, which stopped his words, and soon closed his eyes to the scene. Zerbino, furious at the death of his two comrades, ran upon Medoro, seized his golden hair, and dragged him forward to slay him. But the
accepted the terms, and proposed that they should at once repair to the abbey of Vallombrosa, whose towers were visible at no great distance. Thither they turned their horses' heads, and we will leave them to find their way without our company. I know not if my readers recollect that at the moment when Rogero had just delivered Angelica from the voracious Orc that scornful beauty placed her ring in her mouth, and vanished out of sight. At the same time the Hippogriff shook off his bridle, soared away, and flew to rejoin his former master, very naturally returning to his accustomed stable. Here Astolpho found him, to his very great delight. He knew the animal's powers, having seen Rogero ride him, and he longed to fly abroad over all the earth, and see various nations and peoples from his airy course. He had heard Logestilla's directions how to guide the animal, and saw her fit a bridle to his head. He therefore was able,
laid prostrate, with broken heads and limbs; the rest got away as nimbly as they could. Leaving the den and its inmates to their fate, Orlando, taking Isabella under his protection, pursued his way for some days, without meeting with any adventure. One day they saw a band of men advancing, who seemed to be guarding a prisoner, bound hand and foot, as if being carried to execution. The prisoner was a youthful cavalier, of a noble and ingenuous appearance. The band bore the ensigns of Count Anselm, head of the treacherous house of Maganza. Orlando desired Isabella to wait, while he rode forward to inquire the meaning of this array. Approaching, he demanded of the leader who his prisoner was, and of what crime he had been guilty. The man replied that the prisoner was a murderer, by whose hand
quarters came together at our court. Among these Zerbino, son of the king of Scotland, victorious in all combats, eclipsed by his beauty and his valor all the rest. Before departing from the court of Galicia he testified the wish to espouse me, and I consented that he should demand my hand of the king, my father. But I was a Mahometan, and Zerbino a Christian, and my father refused his consent. The prince, called home by his father to take command of the forces destined to the assistance of the French Emperor, prevailed on me to be married to him secretly, and to follow him to Scotland. He caused a galley to be prepared to receive me, and placed in command of it the chevalier Oderic, a Biscayan, famous for his exploits both by land and sea. On the day appointed, Oderic brought his vessel to a seaside resort of my father's, where I embarked. Some of my domestics accompanied me, and thus I departed from my native land.

lunedì, maggio 14, 2012

Win a Lasting Box Delivered to your Mailbox

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ay7QBaBWk INUAlCX2Npkfh TUWVVdVEPSWt9N oBk6w4tvJ
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troop, and, observing that they dispersed themselves over the plain as if in search of booty, told Medoro to lay down the body, and let each save himself by flight. He dropped his part, thinking that Medoro would do the same; but the good youth loved his prince too well to abandon him, and continued to carry his load singly as well as he might, while Cloridan made his escape. Near by there was a part of the wood tufted as if nothing but wild animals had ever penetrated it. The unfortunate youth, loaded with the weight of his dead master, plunged into its recesses. Cloridan, when he perceived that he had evaded his foes, discovered that Medoro was not with him. "Ah!" exclaimed he, "how could I, dear Medoro, so forget myself as to consult my own safety without heeding yours?" So saying, he retraced the tangled passes of the wood toward the place from whence he had fled. As he approached he heard the noise
had continued their game a little longer; but they never reckoned a throw like this among their chances. Cloridan next came to the unlucky Grillon, whose head lay softly on his pillow. He dreamed probably of the feast from which he had but just retired; for when Cloridan cut off his head wine flowed forth with the blood. The two young Moors might have penetrated even to the tent of Charlemagne; but knowing that the paladins encamped around him kept watch by turns, and judging that it was impossible they should all be asleep, they were afraid to go too near. They might also have obtained rich booty; but, intent only on their object, they crossed the camp, and arrived at length at the bloody field, where bucklers, lances, and swords lay scattered in the midst of corpses of poor and rich, common soldier and prince, horses and pools of blood. This terrible scene of carnage would have destroyed all hope of finding what they were in
out of all the bridles he found in the stable, to select one suitable, and, placing Rabican's saddle on the Hippogriff's back, nothing seemed to prevent his immediate departure. Yet before he went he bethought him of placing Rabican in hands where he would be safe, and whence he might recover him in time of need. While he stood deliberating where he should find a messenger, he saw Bradamante approach. That fair warrior had been parted from Rogero on their way to the abbey of Vallombrosa, by an inopportune adventure which had called the knight away. She was now returning to Montalban, having arranged with Rogero to join her there. To Bradamante, therefore, his fair cousin, Astolpho committed Rabican, and also the lance of gold, which would only be an incumbrance in his aerial excursion. Bradamante took charge of both; and Astolpho, bidding her farewell, soared in air. Among those delivered by Astolpho from the magician's castle was
France was at this time the theatre of dreadful events. The Saracens and the Christians, in numerous encounters, slew one another. On one occasion Rinaldo led an attack on the infidel columns, broke and scattered them, till he found himself opposite to a knight whose armor (whether by accident or by choice, it matters not) bore the blazon of Orlando. It was Dardinel, the young and brave prince of Zumara, and Rinaldo remarked him by the slaughter he spread all around. "Ah," said he to himself, "let us pluck up this dangerous plant before it has grown to its full height." As Rinaldo advanced, the crowd opened before him, the Christians to let his sword have free course, the Pagans to escape its sweep. Dardinel and he stood face to face. Rinaldo exclaimed, fiercely, "Young man, whoever gave you that noble buckler to bear made you a dangerous gift; I should like to see how you are able to defend those quarterings, red
When she had recovered that precious ring, as we have before related, Angelica, knowing its value, felt proud in the power it conferred, travelled alone without fear, not without a secret shame that she had ever been obliged to seek protection in her wanderings of the Count Orlando and of Sacripant. She reproached herself too as with a weakness that she had ever thought of marrying Rinaldo; in fine, her pride grew so high as to persuade her that no man living was worthy to aspire to her hand. Moved with pity at the sight of the young man wounded, and melted to tears at hearing the cause, she quickly recalled to remembrance the knowledge she had acquired in India, where the virtues of plants and the art of healing formed part of the education even of princesses. The beautiful queen ran into the adjoining meadow to gather plants of virtue to staunch the flow of blood. Meeting on her way a countryman on

venerdì, maggio 11, 2012

Guido APREA (Viceprefetto di Lecce), Cosimo DURANTE e Zanelia LANDOLFO al Corso di Formazione "Politica? Perché no!"

Via Marzano, 118
73010 - Porto Cesareo (LE)
Tel. 349.1045425 - 333.3571405    Fax. 0833.560008    Mail:
Sono lieto di invitarti alla IX lezione del Corso di Formazione politico-amministrativa "Politica? Perchè no!" che si terrà  lunedì 14 maggio, a partire dalle ore 18.00


Dott. Guido APREA (Vice Prefetto della provincia di Lecce)



Avv. Zanelia LANDOLFO (Segretario Comunale al Comune di Ugento)



Dott. Cosimo DURANTE (Consigliere provinciale e Presidente GAL "Terra d'Arneo")

Colgo l'occasione  per chiederti di darne diffusione attraverso i canali di comunicazione da te ultilizzati.

Allego comunicato.
Grazie per la collaborazione,

Riteniamo fare cosa gradita informandovi delle nostre attività formative. Se non siete interessati a ricevere le nostre news inviate una mail a questo indirizzo scrivendo all'oggetto "CANCELLAMI".
Se avete già ricevuto questa mail ne vogliate scusare l'invio.

Discover a 1ofakind Reward Delivered to your Door

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sqVLv6XWF2z kW5p6U192za fcUgeAgPaQZr4h PuJDIHPgIDy
UFvl4udo8 JOfLwURRpJpc g6oZWvn 2W0e3XPw
UkNzxn0 1M7NLN T6SYa OlY6W7DLNiG
57dscwoLN4Av3 dLBVJu5Dq6HsT JAiYHKb7 ZYWJNcYdqHT
The younger lady replied, in a voice often broken with sobs: "Though I know well that my recital will subject me to worse treatment by the barbarous man who keeps me here, to whom this woman will not fail to report it, yet I will not hide from you the facts. Ah! why should I fear his rage? If he should take my life, I know not what better boon than death I can ask. "My name is Isabella. I am the daughter of the king of Galicia, or rather I should say misfortune and grief are my parents. Young, rich, modest, and of tranquil temper, all things appeared to combine to render my lot happy. Alas! I see myself to-day poor, humbled, miserable, and destined perhaps to yet further afflictions. It is a year since, my father having given notice that he would open the lists for a tournament at Bayonne, a great number of chevaliers from all
course to pursue. He was directed to raise the stone which served as a threshold, under which a spirit lay pent, who would willingly escape, and leave the castle free of access. Astolpho applied his strength to lift aside the stone. Thereupon the magician put his arts in force. The castle was full of prisoners, and the magician caused that to all of them Astolpho should appear in some false guise--to some a wild beast, to others a giant, to others a bird of prey. Thus all assailed him, and would quickly have made an end of him, if he had not bethought him of his horn. No sooner had he blown a blast than, at the horrid larum, fled the cavaliers and the necromancer with them, like a flock of pigeons at the sound of the fowler's gun. Astolpho then renewed his efforts on the stone, and turned it over. The under face was all inscribed with magical characters, which the knight defaced, as directed by his book; and no sooner had he done so, than the castle, with its walls and turrets, vanished into smoke.
laid prostrate, with broken heads and limbs; the rest got away as nimbly as they could. Leaving the den and its inmates to their fate, Orlando, taking Isabella under his protection, pursued his way for some days, without meeting with any adventure. One day they saw a band of men advancing, who seemed to be guarding a prisoner, bound hand and foot, as if being carried to execution. The prisoner was a youthful cavalier, of a noble and ingenuous appearance. The band bore the ensigns of Count Anselm, head of the treacherous house of Maganza. Orlando desired Isabella to wait, while he rode forward to inquire the meaning of this array. Approaching, he demanded of the leader who his prisoner was, and of what crime he had been guilty. The man replied that the prisoner was a murderer, by whose hand
of horses, and the menacing voices of armed men. Soon he perceived Medoro, on foot, with the cavaliers surrounding him. Zerbino, their commander, bade them seize him. The unhappy Medoro turned now this way, now that, trying to conceal himself behind an oak or a rock, still bearing the body, which he would by no means leave. Cloridan not knowing how to help him, but resolved to perish with him, if he must perish, takes an arrow, fits it to his bow, discharges it, and pierces the breast of a Christian knight, who falls helpless from his horse. The others look this way and that, to discover whence the fatal bolt was sped. One, while demanding of his comrades in what direction the arrow came, received a second in his throat, which stopped his words, and soon closed his eyes to the scene. Zerbino, furious at the death of his two comrades, ran upon Medoro, seized his golden hair, and dragged him forward to slay him. But the
The younger lady replied, in a voice often broken with sobs: "Though I know well that my recital will subject me to worse treatment by the barbarous man who keeps me here, to whom this woman will not fail to report it, yet I will not hide from you the facts. Ah! why should I fear his rage? If he should take my life, I know not what better boon than death I can ask. "My name is Isabella. I am the daughter of the king of Galicia, or rather I should say misfortune and grief are my parents. Young, rich, modest, and of tranquil temper, all things appeared to combine to render my lot happy. Alas! I see myself to-day poor, humbled, miserable, and destined perhaps to yet further afflictions. It is a year since, my father having given notice that he would open the lists for a tournament at Bayonne, a great number of chevaliers from all

giovedì, maggio 03, 2012

Il regista Tonino Zangardi e l'attore Adriano Gianni a Conversano per presentare il film SANDRINE NELLA PIOGGIA


Il regista Tonino Zangardi e l'attore  Adriano Gianni a Conversano per presentare il film SANDRINE NELLA PIOGGIA

Domenica 6 maggio alle 21.30 alla Casa delle Arti di Conversano anteprima del film "Sandrine nella Pioggia" alla presenza del regista Tonino Zangardi e dell'attore Adriano Giannini.
Per l'occasione la Casa delle Arti promuove la proiezione del film con un prezzo davvero "low cost" di soli 3 euro ed invita gli appassionati di cinema d'autore ed indipendente a partecipare a questo evento di particolare pregio culturale.
Il film è già in programmazione in alcune sale d'Italia e sta ricevendo molti plausi da parte del pubblico grazie alla tenacia della casa di produzione e del regista che accompagna il suo film in questo tour nazionale supportato da quegli esercenti ed associazioni da sempre fedeli al cinema di qualità.
Il film è un noir ambientato in una Mantova piovosa dove si intrecciano le storie di anime e di corpi che pur incontrandosi non si trovano mai. Vicende del quotidiano di una città di provincia, si tingono di un'atmosfera magica e surreale, dove Leonardo (Adriano Giannini), nel tentativo di inseguire Sandrine (Sara Forestier), la misteriosa ragazza che forse viene dal passato, annulla il suo presente.
Fra i vari interpreti si annoverano Goya Toledo, Luca Lionello, Monica Guerritore, Alessandro Haber, Elsa Mollien, Gaetano Carotenuto, Marco Zangardi e Lucia Loffredo.
Particolare riferimento del film è senz'altro l'attrice protagonista Sara Forestier che ha ricevuto nel 2005 e nel 2011 l'ambito premio César, riconoscimento cinematografico assegnato annualmente dal 1976 dall'Académie des arts et techniques du cinéma ai migliori film e alle principali figure professionali del cinema francese.
Per informazioni e prenotazioni tel 0802376965 -

Locandina Sandrine nella pioggia

luigi iovane | responsabile settore cinema
casa delle arti | cinema.teatro.musica
via donato iaia, 14 | 70014 conversano, bari | italy

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luigi iovane | responsabile settore cinema
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